A unique turnkey Approach
In a context of global climate change and multiplication of extreme weather events, the role of National Hydrometeorological Services (NMHS) has never been so crucial. Expectations in the fields of forecasting, early warning and weather services are growing exponentially.
Since its foundation in 2002, MFI positions itself as NMHS’s privileged partner to reinforce their service capacity and allow them to better perform their fundamental goals: protect people & goods and provide efficient support to local economies.
MFI has created a unique concept of global integrated projects based on partnership, a holistic approach of the meteorological value chain and a strong DBO strategy (Design / Build / Operate). We propose a “one-stop-shop” offer: financing, design, implementation, integration, capacity building, technical support & operation… We assist NMHSs in all aspects and all phases of their strengthening process.
Simple, effective and sustainable
Our projects
Discover our turnkey strengthening projects, achieved throughout the world over the past 20 years

Koweït - Projet M2P2G

Kuwait - MDP2G Project

Côte d'Ivoire - VIGICLIMM Project

ASECNA - SAAPI Project - Nowcasting & Briefing Solution

CAMBODIA – Global modernization project

EGYPT - NEMOS Project - Global modernization project

INDONESIA - Phase 2: Scaling Up Strenghtening BMKG

QATAR - Global modernization project of Qatar Meteorological Department

INDIA - Varsamana Project - Global modernization project

ANGOLA - PMI Project – Global Modernization Project