Our projects

Discover our turnkey strengthening projects, achieved throughout the world over the past 20 years

Koweït - Projet M2P2G

The MDP2G Project is expected to fully modernize the kuwaiti Met Department Information System from the collection and management of large volumes of data to the dissemination of warnings and met information to the general public, as well as value-added products for Kuwait’s weather-sensitive economic sectors, including aviation and oil & gas industry

Kuwait - MDP2G Project

The MDP2G Project is expected to fully modernize the kuwaiti Met Department Information System from the collection and management of large volumes of data to the dissemination of warnings and met information to the general public, as well as value-added products for Kuwait’s weather-sensitive economic sectors, including aviation and oil & gas industry

Côte d'Ivoire - VIGICLIMM Project

Launched in 2023 and expected to be completed in 3 years, the VIGICLIMM Project deals with the global modernization process of the Meteorological Department (DMN) of SODEXAM, the entity in charge of weather and climate services in Côte d’Ivoire.

ASECNA - SAAPI Project - Nowcasting & Briefing Solution

ASECNA is the agency in charge of air navigation safety for West African countries and Madagascar. In order to improve the quality of the meteorological assistance provided to its member countries, ASECNA entrusted MFI with the development and deployment of an exclusive forecasting and aeronautical briefing solution.

CAMBODIA – Global modernization project

Between 2010 and 2012, the Department of Meteorology (DoM) of Cambodia contracted MFI to carry out a comprehensive modernization of its meteorological ecosystem, including a Doppler weather radar, an integrated information system and a comprehensive capacity building program.

EGYPT - NEMOS Project - Global modernization project

Between 2008 and 2010, MFI and the Egyptian Meteorological Authority jointly carried out an ambitious modernization project whose ultimate objective was to improve the quality of met services & information provided to the Egyptian user community, particularly in the fields of agro and marine meteorology

INDONESIA - Phase 2: Scaling Up Strenghtening BMKG

After trusting MFI with the first phase of its global Strengthening Project between 2012 and 2015, BMKG called again on MFI to carry out the second phase of this project, named the Scaling Up Strengthening project (SUS). The project launched in 2019 is still ongoing.

QATAR - Global modernization project of Qatar Meteorological Department

In 2005, the Qatar Civil Aviation Authority engaged in a global modernization project of its Meteorological Department (QMD) in order to provide better service to its end-users, and comply with the highest international standards in the fields of observation, forecasting and production of customized met products & services.

INDIA - Varsamana Project - Global modernization project

In 2006, the Ministry of Earth and Sciences (MoES) of India launched a vast modernization program of its Meteorological Department (IMD). The Varsamana Project conducted by MFI between 2008 and 2011 is considered as the cornerstone of this program providing high-end technical solutions and crucial support services

ANGOLA - PMI Project – Global Modernization Project

Based on an innovative DBO approach, the 3-year PMI Project aims at improving INAMET's forecasting and early warning capabilities. It also puts a strong emphasis on weather and climate services development in order for INAMET to be able to provide efficient support to Angola's main economic sectors.

Indonesia - Phase 1: BMKG Meteorological Service Capacity Building

The Strengthening Project deals with the reinforcement of the whole Indonesian meteorological ecosystem, at a national and regional level. Its main objective is to improve BMKG’s global service capacity towards its community of users (general public, economic, stakeholders, public authorities, etc.)