ASECNA – SAAPI Project – Nowcasting & Briefing Solution

Project Overview
ASECNA is the agency in charge of safety for air navigation in West Africa and Madagascar. Committed to provide the best possible service and the most efficient assistance to its members, ASECNA entrusted MFI with the development and the implementation of an exclusive nowcasting and briefing solution, designed to act as an efficient decision-aid tool in the frame of airport operation and ATM (Air Traffic Management). The project benefits 17 African countries and concerns 32 sites:
- 17 Main Meteorological Centers
- 13 Secondary Meteorological Centers
- ASECNA's headquarters in Dakar, Senegal
- EAMAC - National School for Meteorology and Civil Aviation in Niamey, Niger

The SAAPI solution has been designed and developped to match ASECNA's specific needs and requirements. The objective was to provide ASECNA's agents with one single workstation giving them access to all necessary tools to accomplish their mission efficiently. The key aspects taken into account when developping the solution were:
- Improved ergonomics and accessibility
- Increased automation
- Desicion-aid potential
- Remote supervision
The SAAPI solution is composed of the following components
- TRANSMET-WEB / Automatic Message Switching System
- ARCHIPEL / Satellite reception (Météo-France)
- SYNERGIE-WEB / Forecasting, including specific functionalities for aviation meteorology (TAF production & control, SIGMET maps, etc.)
- AEROMET-WEB / Pilot briefing
- VISUMET-WEB / Public display
- Project design & management
- Integration
- Capacity building & Training
- Specific data flows provided by Météo-France: Atmospheric model (Arpège 0.1), Sand storm model (Mocage), Rapidly Developing Thunderstorm (RDT)
- Technical support
Project outcomes
- Simplified system administration and maintenance thanks to SAAPI’s 100% web-based architecture : ASECNA expands its digital revolution, by providing to its staff user-friendly and modern workstations benifiting from the latest forecasting technologies.
- Comprehensive operational and administration training for ASECNA’s staff through a complete program carried out by MFI in collaboration with Météo-France.
- Improved safety for air navigation in Africa thanks to better forecasting capabilities and optimized meteorological assistance services.