EGYPT – NEMOS Project – Global modernization project

Project Overview
In 2007, the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA), in collaboration with MFI, launched the NEMOS project (Network for Egyptian Meteorological Observations & Services) in order to strengthen its service capacity, in particular in the field of agro-meteorology and marine meteorology.
MFI interved as a turnkey integrator, providing both high-end technical solutions and a complete range of support services (consultancy, training & capacity building, assistance to change management) to ensure the sustainability and the efficiency of the NEMOS Project.

When launching the NEMOS Project, the EMA had several objectives:
- Reinforcement of the Egyptian observation network with the implementation of a real-time AWS network, integrated with EMA’s existing surface observation infrastructure.
- Strengthening of EMA’s forecasting capacity, especially in the marine field (sea state modelling).
- Improvement of EMA’s service capacity with a strong focus on marine and agro-meteorological specific products.
- AWS network (10 stations for climatology + 5 stations for agro-climatology), to be integrated with an existing 18-AWS network that has also been upgraded.
- Wind profiler at Cairo's Airport
- RADOME - Data Collection System (EMA's HQ)
- CLISYS - Climate Data Management System
- METEOFACTORY - PWS/EWS System, including the design and implementation of specific products adapted to agricultural needs (chilling requirement application, cotton planting dates product, etc.)
- Onsite surveys
- Project Design & Management
- Integration
- Consultancy with experts specialized in agrometeorology and marine meteorology
- Capacity building
- Data flow (operational data flow from Météo-France, VAG sea state model over areas of interest for EMA)
- Technical support
Project outcomes
For Egypt
- Efficient support to two of Egypt's major economic sectors: agriculture and marine.
- Better collaboration and thereby better efficiency between several major Egyptian entities in charge of agriculture: EMA, Ministry of Agriculture & CLAC (Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate)
- Improved climate monitoring for better adaptation policies.
- A homogenized and coherent surface observation network, capable of exchanging data with the CLAC, other major Egyptian entity in the field of agro-meteorology.
- Drastic improvement in the quality and the quantity of products and services provided by EMA, especially in the fields of agriculture and marine.
- Higher level of skill and expertise for EMA’s staff acquired through an extensive capacity building program organized by MFI, in collaboration with experts from Météo-France.