ANGOLA – PMI Project – Global Modernization Project

Project Overview
In 2011, with the support of its supervisory ministry (MTTI, Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology), the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics of Angola (INAMET) published a 7-year Strategic Plan of Development ("Plano de Desenvolvimento Estrategico"- PDE). It was approved by the Council of Ministers during summer 2013. This same summer, MFI and INAMET signed a MoU laying the foundations for a global modernization project that would allow INAMET to meet the objectives mentioned in the PDE.
The contract sealing the collaboration between INAMET and MFI was signed in July 2017 and validated by presidential decree in April 2018. In 2019, INAMET finally engaged in an ambitious modernization project, in partnership with MFI: the "PMI Project" for "Projecto de Modernização do INAMET".
Based on an innovative DBO approach (Design / Build / Operate), the 3-year turnkey project aims at improving INAMET's forecasting and early warning capabilities. It also puts a strong emphasis on weather and climate services development in order for INAMET to be able to provide efficient support to Angola's main economic sectors, especially Oil & Gas Industry, Agriculture and Aviation. Lastly, the PMI Project is expected to allow INAMET to better ensure crucial monitoring of climate change: a decisive step on the path of better adaption policies and efficient risk mitigation... for the benefit of the entire Angolan population.
Up to this day, the PMI Project stands out as the most ambitious hydromet project on the African continent.

The project has been designed in such a way that it relies on proven and WMO-compliant components. It is meant to allow INAMET implementing the complete Meteorological Value Chain from basic infrastructures to targeted service delivery, meeting the highest international standards. The objective is to ensure maximum sustainability of the investments made, while maximizing benefits for INAMET, but also for the Angolan population.
The project is split into 36 sub-projects pooled in five work packages: Infrastructure & Integration / Observation / Data Processing / Service Delivery / Transversal Services.
- IT Hardware
- Telecom infrastructure
- Rehabilitation of a building to host brand new forecasting operational center and server room
- Integration
- Automatic weather stations (32 synoptics + 10 agro / mesoscale + hydrological stations)
- 8 AWOS
- Upper air observation network / robotsonde + hydrogen generator (3 sites equipped)
- Calibration & maintenance center + 1 a mobile unit
- Lightning network (5 sensors)
- Satellite data reception system to receive EUMETCast data flow
- OBSMET - Data Collection System
- TRANSMET - Automatic Message Switching System
- CIPS - Central Information Processing System
- CLISYS - Climate Data Management System
- SYNERGIE-WEB - Forecasting System
- AEROMET-WEB - Pilot Briefing System
- Numerical models & Data flow: Angolan atmospheric model, dedicated NWP suite based on WRF solution, data flow from Météo-France (Arpege, dedicated Arome and MFWAM), data flow from ECMWF (IFS model)
- METEOFACTORY - PWS/EWS System (general & hydrology)
- National Climate Center - NCC
- TV-MET - Television System
- Application Project "Oil & Gas": serve the Oil & Gas Company SONANGOL with relevant oceanographical / meteorological information that will all optimized offshore activites.
- Application Project "Agrometeorology": implementation of a 10-station observing network over a pilot farming area to monitor and optimize agricultural crops at the field scale.
- Application Project "Hydrometeorology": improve flood risk management on the basin of the Kwanza river, prone to significant overflows through the reinforcement of the mesoscale observation network.
- Application Project "Seismology": INAMET has purchased 5 sensors and a central processing system. Data collection is not working. The objective is to make a technical diagnosis of the situation and put the network back into operation.
- Project Management including organization of Steering Committees every 6 months
- Project Design Study
- Consultancy & Change management
- Capacity building (6.000 days of training)
- Technical support
Project outcomes
For Angola
- Better protection of population & goods thanks to improved forecasting & warning including automatic dissemination of warning information and maps.
- Improved support to the national economy with the generation of customized meteorological products and decision-aid tools for Angola’s major economic sectors (agriculture, oil & gas, avation).
- Better monitoring of climate change for better adaptation and mitigation policies.
- Modernized facilities and premisses including a brand new Server Room and a modern Central Forecasting Room.
- Automation of meteorological data collection and processing, drastic increase of weather & climate production capacities.
- Higher level of skill of INAMET’s staff thanks to extensive training program in collaboration with experts from Météo-France.
- Enhancement of INAMET's image and notoriety on the international meteorological scene.