Indonesia – Phase 1: BMKG Meteorological Service Capacity Building

Project Overview
The Strengthening Project, jointly launched by MFI and BMKG in 2012, deals with the reinforcement of the whole Indonesian meteorological ecosystem, at a central and regional level.
The objective of the project was to improve BMKG’s service capacity to ensure better protection of the Indonesian population and improved support to the country’s major economic sectors including aviation, agriculture, forestry, marine, tourism and oil & gas.
True to its turnkey approach, MFI intervened as a global project integrator providing both technical solutions and all necessary support services to BMKG. Completed in 3 years, the Strengthening Project stands out as an exceptional example of efficient cooperation between two countries in the field of meteorology. The quality and the sustainability of the partnership between MFI and BMKG has since then been proved by the launch, in 2019, of the second phase of the Strengthening Project.

The Strengthening Project embraces all steps of the meteorological value chain: infrastructure, observation, data processing and service delivery. Beyond high-end technical solutions, MFI also provided BMKG with crucial support services such as project management, capacity building, change management and technical support. These are considered to be key success factors and they strongly contribute to the project’s efficiency and sustainability.
- Automatic weather stations (66 units: 33 mesonetwork stations + 33 synoptic stations).
- Upper air + hydrogen generator (5 units) planned to launch hydrogen-inflated balloons twice a day.
- Voluntary Observing Ship (5 units) for continuous real-time weather information at sea.
- AWOS + Wind profiler (1 unit at Lombok Praya International Airport).
- Lightning network (9 unit over Java Island).
- Manual observation equipment for measurement of main met parameters (barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, air temperature, soil temperature, precipitations, sunshine duration, evaporation).
- Met Calibration & Maintenance equipment, including a Mobile Unit (4-WD vehicle) and a maintenance workshop at Jakarta HQ.
- OBSNET - Data Collection System.
- TRANSMET - Automatic Message Switching System.
- CIPS - Central Information Processing System.
- CLISYS - Climate Data Management System.
- SYNERGIE - Forecasting System (installed in BMKG headquarters in Jakarta + 5 Regional Centers: Jakarta NC, Denpasar RC, Makassar RC, Ciputat RC, Jayapura RC & Medan RC).
- AEROMET-WEB - Pilot Briefing System (4 airports equipped: Lombok, Manado, Biak & Banjarmasin).
- METEOFACTORY - PWS/EWS System (installed in Jakarta NC + Denpasar RC + Makassar RC + Ciputat RC + Jayapura RC + Medan RC ).
- VISUMET - Public Display System.
- TV-MET - Television System to produce tailored and attractive TV weather shows, aired to the Indonesian TV viewers.
- WISMET for compliance with WMO Information System - WIS.
- Modelization: atmospheric, sea-state environmental (from Météo-France, ECMWF) & emergency dispersion models (available on demand: MOTHY for sea pollution, SAR Search & Rescue, MOCAGE Accident for volcanic ashes).
- Project Design Study.
- System integration.
- Project management (including Steering Committees every 6 months + Local Project Management Unit managed by a Resident engineer from MFI, in Jakarta).
- Capacity building >> 200 people trained + 4 master’s degrees at French National School of Meteorology (ENM).
- Assistance to Operational Start.
- Technical support (1 year after last Site Acceptance Tests).
Project outcomes
For Indonesia
- Better protection of population and goods thanks to an improved Early Warning System (EWS) with automatic dissemination of warning information and maps.
- Improved support to the national economy with the generation of customized meteorological products and decision-aid tools for Indonesia’s major economic sectors (agriculture, forestry, fishery, marine, oil & gas, tourism, media).
- Improved conditions for aviation.
- Automation of meteorological data collection and processing, drastic increase of weather & climate production capacities.
- Implementation of a National Digital Weather Forecasting and Production Process linking Jakarta's headquarters to the 34 Provincial Centres of BMKG. This achievement relies on the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) at national and regional levels.
- Higher level of skill of BMKG’s staff thanks to extensive training program in collaboration with experts from Météo-France, and in partnership with the French National School of Meteorology (ENM).
- Increased visibility and improved public image.
- Growing influence on regional and international meteorological scene.